Big Future

8 posts



"It's better to construct an understanding instead of manufacturing fear!" - Futurist Jim Carroll The long version is this: "It's better to construct an understanding of what tomorrow might bring instead of manufacturing fear about what it might take away!"  I'

Musk Has Lost the Plot

Musk Has Lost the Plot

"Erratic leadership will always bring erratic results, but distracted leadership is guaranteed to bring even worse" - Futurist Jim Carroll Jim Balsillie wanted to buy himself an NHL hockey team and wasted away precious time with his company RIM - the home of the Blackberry - while Apple

Think BIG!

Think BIG!

“Stay focused on the ’BIG’ future”

The Reality of Trends

The Reality of Trends

"One person's skepticism is another person's gold!"

Connected Energy

Connected Energy

"Hyperconnected trends result in hyperconnected opportunities!"

The World's Oldest Profession

The World's Oldest Profession

"Grow your ideas, not your skepticism!"

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