Jim Carroll

181 posts



"Your attitude should get you everything!” - Futurist Jim Carroll The business of recruitment is broken. In the last many years, much of it has moved to a world of automated resume processing, analytical examination of talent and skills, and the dominance of cold, hard statistical analysis. Many companies

Something from Nothing.

Something from Nothing.

"Even when you think you have nothing, you’ll always have something!" - Futurist Jim Carroll That's because the possibilities are infinite when you start with nothing - there's nowhere to go but up! It's a simple fact that when you have



"Never have just one comfort zone!" - Futurist Jim Carroll If public speaking ranks high on the fear list of many people, where does working on a film production rank? Yesterday was a wildly exciting day down in San Jose as I moderated a panel discussion on -



"The best way to find creative solutions to your real-world problems is to listen to the wisdom of those who have already found them!" - Futurist Jim Carroll You know you've been a real road-warrior speaker when you check into your Hilton hotel in San Jose

A Reminder.

A Reminder.

"You'll never find your opportunity in the depths of your despair!" - Futurist Jim Carroll I'm down in Silicon Valley in California today, where I've got a last-minute film project with Intel and HP on what else - artificial intelligence! More to

Understanding Tomorrow

Understanding Tomorrow

"Motivation is overrated in the face of better insight!" - Futurist Jim Carroll "Are you a motivational speaker?" Hell yes! But not really. That's the question I always get when meeting new people and the topic comes around to what each of us do

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