Jim Carroll

292 posts



"Enthusiasm matters!" - Futurist Jim Carroll You've got to bring enthusiasm to your day! To every single moment, every single instance of time, every single interaction with others, and every single decision that you make through the day. Enthusiasm matters! That's a lesson that

Open Innovation

Open Innovation

"Innovation? Fix things faster!" - Futurist Jim Carroll One of the most unappreciated trends of our time but one that has the potential for the most benefit involves what are known as 'application program interfaces,' or API's. Combine that with 'open source software&

Solution Oriented Thinking

"Be the person who sees the solutions, not the one who only identifies the problems!" - Futurist Jim Carroll You never read a LinkedIn profile that starts out boasting someone is just a problem-identifier - but you do see people boasting that they are a problem-solver! You never

Creative Ketchup!

Creative Ketchup!

"See differently and you'll innovate brilliantly!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Most people see a ketchup bottle. Creative people see trends & innovation! Last week, I spoke at the Manufacturers Association for Plastic Processors conference in Indianapolis; my topic was the impact and opportunity of artificial intelligence

Committees are Death.

Committees are Death.

"Committees are an infrastructure designed to race you to the bottom of opportunity!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Committees kill ideas. Committees kill all initiative. Committees kill the idea of innovation. Committees are the destroyer of all things. Did I mention I think committees are a bad idea? "

Failing, to Succeed.

Failing, to Succeed.

"Take pride in your losses because they teach you about your wins!" - Futurist Jim Carroll People hide from their failure. They shouldn't. Because often, it's the only way to get to success. Your wins are informed by your losses. Your success is defined

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