Jim Carroll

294 posts



"You'll never regret the gift of change!" - Futurist Jim Carroll It's often the case that the change you need to make is the hardest change to face - when you are facing that change. And yet, when you look at that change from



"Success in the next global economy will never come from chasing the ideas of the previous one!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Here we go again! History regularly has us this in these moments where we are surrounded by those who think progress involves going back to where we

Being the Oddball

Being the Oddball

"Don’t be afraid to be known as the ‘crazy one!’ - Futurist Jim Carroll Futurist Jim Carroll is using his Daily Inspiration blog post – one of which you are reading now – to generate material for a book he has in progress with the working title, “How to be

Right Now.

Right Now.

"Rebel today. Define tomorrow." - Futurist Jim Carroll Futurist Jim Carroll is using his Daily Inspiration blog post - one of which you are reading now - to generate material for a book he has in progress with the working title, "How to be Unique (And Why



"Leadership leads. Legacy lingers." - Futurist Jim Carroll What a week! As one person commented on social media: "Gotta say, as a Canadian, watching this season of America has been absolutely riveting. Kudos to the writers." My view and that of many others? Joe Biden will



"Own your future. Before someone owns it for you." - Futurist Jim Carroll Groupthink. Committees. Consensus. Buy-in. Harmony. Concurrence. Unanimity.  Conformity. These are the words, ideas, attitudes, and cultures that kill great ideas.  They are also the words and phrases that can kill your uniqueness, which is not

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