
46 posts

The Case for Optimism

The Case for Optimism

"Every single opportunity is always within the margin of possibility!" - Futurist Jim Carroll When the World Bank invited me to keynote on the future of manufacturing, they made one thing crystal clear: they wanted me to flip the script - paint a picture of opportunity, not disruption.

Achieving Escape Velocity!

Achieving Escape Velocity!

"The time to escape mediocrity comes when you recognize the need to!" - Futurist Jim Carroll I'm considering a sequel! Should I? With the impending release of the book about mediocrity, I've realized the perfect companion piece to it is an anti-mediocrity book! Let&

DeepSeek & Disruption

DeepSeek & Disruption

"Never forget that yesterday's assumptions are today's vulnerabilities!" - Futurist Jim Carroll It was a wild day for AI yesterday. And it was also a wild day for stocks. The two are interrelated. You might have noticed that tech stocks took a beating. All

Global Trade

Global Trade

"Broken trust? Broken futures." - Futurist Jim Carroll I didn't like season one. I sure as heck am not enjoying season 2. Anyway, while I'm doing my damndest to try to avoid the news, my trend news tracking service did bring up these comments

Tragically Unhip

Tragically Unhip

“Sometimes, satire can become all too real” – Futurist Jim Carroll There’s no doubt that there might not be a lot of logical, rational stuff going on in the next few years. That’s why I keep stressing that volatility is the new normal. With that in mind, I can’

The Innovation Mindset

The Innovation Mindset

"The difference between good & great companies isn't when they innovate, but that they never stop!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Over the years, I've had several companies come to me, seeking a speaker for a leadership or annual conference, stating that their 'theme

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