
46 posts

Not Hot But Worth a Thought?

Not Hot But Worth a Thought?

"Sometimes the trends you think you need to be thinking about aren’t the ones you should be thinking about!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Today I'm in Scottsdale, Arizona, and in a few hours, I'll be the opening keynote speaker for XSpecs 2024. What

Open Innovation

Open Innovation

"Innovation? Fix things faster!" - Futurist Jim Carroll One of the most unappreciated trends of our time but one that has the potential for the most benefit involves what are known as 'application program interfaces,' or API's. Combine that with 'open source software&



"‘Your time is gonna’ come’ need not be your epitaph!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Innovate or die. It's that simple. Here's a simple list of companies that were once great successes. Then they weren't: Blockbuster. Borders. Lehman Bros. Kodak. Circuit City. RadioShack.

Hockey Vs. Strategy

Hockey Vs. Strategy

"If you keep chasing motivation instead of chasing trends, you're doing tomorrow all wrong!" - Futurist Jim Carroll One of the most interesting - and perhaps one of the most common - situations in my line of work is when you get contacted by a potential

Forward, Not Back

Forward, Not Back

"Aligning to tomorrow? You’ll succeed when you get beyond a series of awful decisions driven by the delusion of denial!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Most people believe that they can keep doing tomorrow what they are doing today, even when what they are doing today is not

Tomorrow's Opportunities Today

Tomorrow's Opportunities Today

"If you aren't amazed by all the amazing trends that are unfolding around you, you're watching the wrong future!" - Futurist Jim Carroll The future happens fast! The thing about being a futurist is that you know that certain things are inevitable - much

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