
5 posts

Space Based Energy

Space Based Energy

"If you can't dream big, why bother dreaming at all?" - Futurist Jim Carroll Out on the fringe of exploration are a lot of 'crazy' ideas - that is until they aren't so crazy anymore! I was thinking of that when my

The Anti-Future Future

The Anti-Future Future

"When the future becomes a culture war, watch the trends. Not the noise" - Futurist Jim Carroll It's a weird time to be a futurist - have you noticed that the future has become a culture war? While you deal with the realities of science, technologies,

Energy for Change

Energy for Change

"Never hesitate to take on the tough stuff!" - Futurist Jim Carroll In some situations, people are eager to take on the message of change; in other cases, not so much. That doesn't mean you should try to avoid the latter. There are a. number of

Connected Energy

Connected Energy

"Hyperconnected trends result in hyperconnected opportunities!"

Connected and Distributed

Connected and Distributed

"What was once centralized is being disbanded. The future is connected - and distributed!"

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