Exponential change

18 posts

AI and Knowledge

AI and Knowledge

"It's the era of multiple knowledge partners. Because you can no longer know it alone!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Of all the books I've written, I am proudest of "Surviving the Information Age," which was co-written with my wife Christa. Brought to



"Be the cheetah, not the turtle" - Futurist Jim Carroll  In Hawaii, you can swim with turtles. At the resort where I'm staying, all you need to do is put on a snorkel and a mask, and head out into the shallows, and you'll

The Collapse of Time

The Collapse of Time

"Innovation never waits for the slow fast-follower!” - Futurist Jim Carroll I put together an interesting set of slides about the conundrum that organizations now face in the era of accelerating AI trends. For a long time, when it comes to new disruptive technologies and business models, organizations have

Exponential Change

Exponential Change

"Are you ready for the inconceivable to become conceivable?"



"In the future, everything is hyper-connected. Will you be?"



"You won't really know what you will want in your future until you are actually holding it in your hands!"

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