
4 posts

AI and Jobs

AI and Jobs

"Your ability to spot the opportunity will define your ability to counter the threat!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Of all the dumb things said about AI in the last few years, this has perhaps ranked as the dumbest: International Business Machines Corp. Chief Executive Officer Arvind Krishna said

Wonka Land!

Wonka Land!

"Be careful what you do within the boundaries of your imagination!"- Futurist Jim Carroll AI has had its Fyre Festival moment! It was bound to happen. The Fyre Festival? Remember that? The wildly exotic Caribbean music festival that promised so much and yet delivered so little! Remember

AI and the Peak of Inflated Expectations.

AI and the Peak of Inflated Expectations.

"A strategy based on hype isn't a strategy. It's a tombstone for cash"

Hype vs. Leadership

Hype vs. Leadership

"Follow the strategy not the crowd!"

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