
121 posts

Leading at the Edge

Leading at the Edge

"You'll never know what awaits you at the leading edge if you never try to actually go there!"

Focused Failure

Focused Failure

"Your attitude should never be the cause of your defeat!" - Futurist Jim Carroll We often seem to be engineered to doom ourselves to failure because we set out with that idea in mind with many of the things we do! Wouldn't we do a lot



"It's only broken if you are unwilling to accept that it needs to be fixed!"

Downturns As Opportunity

Downturns As Opportunity

"History tells us that 10% of organizations become breakthrough performers during a recession - because they decide to double down on innovation and opportunity despite lingering and pervasive uncerta



"If your reaction to any type of disruptive change is 'We don't need to do anything right now,' the future would like to have a word with you!"



"The more they hype the trend the faster you should back away!"

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