"Be the person who sees the solutions, not the one who only identifies the problems!" - Futurist Jim Carroll
You never read a LinkedIn profile that starts out boasting someone is just a problem-identifier - but you do see people boasting that they are a problem-solver! You never
"Committees are an infrastructure designed to race you to the bottom of opportunity!" - Futurist Jim Carroll
Committees kill ideas.
Committees kill all initiative.
Committees kill the idea of innovation.
Committees are the destroyer of all things.
Did I mention I think committees are a bad idea?
"‘Your time is gonna’ come’ need not be your epitaph!" - Futurist Jim Carroll
Innovate or die.
It's that simple.
Here's a simple list of companies that were once great successes. Then they weren't: Blockbuster. Borders. Lehman Bros. Kodak. Circuit City. RadioShack.
"Reality always trumps wishful thinking!" - Futurist Jim Carroll
There's a reality gap.
A gap between an understanding of how industries are changing, and how people hope it will change. A gap between what it takes to solve deep, complex issues, and how people think they
"If you keep chasing motivation instead of chasing trends, you're doing tomorrow all wrong!" - Futurist Jim Carroll
One of the most interesting - and perhaps one of the most common - situations in my line of work is when you get contacted by a potential
"Aligning to tomorrow? You’ll succeed when you get beyond a series of awful decisions driven by the delusion of denial!" - Futurist Jim Carroll
Most people believe that they can keep doing tomorrow what they are doing today, even when what they are doing today is not
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