
100 posts

Leading Tomorrow

Leading Tomorrow

"Be the spark that ignites the flame of change!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Most people have a problem. In fact, most people know that they aren't quite ready for all the change that they are faced with in their future, yet know that everything they are

The Department of Useless Procedures

The Department of Useless Procedures

"Too many organizations have too many people who are too busy solving too many problems that no longer exist!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Have you ever noticed you are surrounded by people who are solving a problem that doesn't need to be solved? Doing work that

Jetsons and Flintstones.

Jetsons and Flintstones.

"The new art of foolproofing now involves proofing yourself against an increasing number of fools!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Gosh, it's just weird out there, isn't it? Remember this post a few months ago? "When the future becomes a culture war, watch the

Leading the Edge

Leading the Edge

"Get out in front" - Futurist Jim Carroll It's the company you likely have never heard of, but you use their products a lot. And they are having me back in today for their global leadership summit being held in Charlotte, North Carolina. Assa Abloy is



"Behind any pattern of brilliance, you might often find a patina of madness" - Futurist Jim Carroll One must wonder if we are now watching, in a very public fashion, a once brilliant iconoclast descend into a very real form of madness. It happened with Vincent van Gogh,



"Leadership leads. Legacy lingers." - Futurist Jim Carroll What a week! As one person commented on social media: "Gotta say, as a Canadian, watching this season of America has been absolutely riveting. Kudos to the writers." My view and that of many others? Joe Biden will

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