
100 posts

The Moment In Time.

The Moment In Time.

"Ego is the destroyer of worlds" - Futurist Jim Carroll Upon seeing the atomic bomb explode, Robert Oppenheimer is reported to have quoted from the Hindu sacred text the Bhagavad Gita - ‘Now I Am Become Death, the Destroyer of Worlds.’   The line has become synonymous with one



"You’ll never get to your future if you keep trying to get back to your past!" - Futurist Jim Carroll I've had a vague sense of unease for a time that too many industries and the leaders of companies within them are all too eager

Bold Bets.

Bold Bets.

"Dive In. Figure it out" - Futurist Jim Carroll My attention was drawn last week to an article about Amazons' thinking behind a big bet on artificial intelligence; Amazon built a $2 trillion company through years of aggressive spending on its retail and logistics businesses. Its future



"Your biggest mistake is believing that you don't need to do it right now" - Futurist Jim Carroll What does it mean if you have a great idea, and your superior blows it off by saying "we don't need to do that right

AI & Strategy

AI & Strategy

"To make tomorrow real, you need to be real about tomorrow!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Over the last two years, I've done dozens of CEO-level corporate offsites focused on AI. Here's what I've learned corporate groups are looking for - first and

The Key to Tomorrow

The Key to Tomorrow

"You'll never know how to unlock your true potential if you don't know how to unlock tomorrow!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Let me pause for a brief bit of promo material. It's a new keynote topic I rolled out for a client

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