
113 posts



"Leadership leads. Legacy lingers." - Futurist Jim Carroll What a week! As one person commented on social media: "Gotta say, as a Canadian, watching this season of America has been absolutely riveting. Kudos to the writers." My view and that of many others? Joe Biden will

The Moment In Time.

The Moment In Time.

"Ego is the destroyer of worlds" - Futurist Jim Carroll Upon seeing the atomic bomb explode, Robert Oppenheimer is reported to have quoted from the Hindu sacred text the Bhagavad Gita - ‘Now I Am Become Death, the Destroyer of Worlds.’   The line has become synonymous with one



"You’ll never get to your future if you keep trying to get back to your past!" - Futurist Jim Carroll I've had a vague sense of unease for a time that too many industries and the leaders of companies within them are all too eager

Bold Bets.

Bold Bets.

"Dive In. Figure it out" - Futurist Jim Carroll My attention was drawn last week to an article about Amazons' thinking behind a big bet on artificial intelligence; Amazon built a $2 trillion company through years of aggressive spending on its retail and logistics businesses. Its future



"Your biggest mistake is believing that you don't need to do it right now" - Futurist Jim Carroll What does it mean if you have a great idea, and your superior blows it off by saying "we don't need to do that right

AI & Strategy

AI & Strategy

"To make tomorrow real, you need to be real about tomorrow!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Over the last two years, I've done dozens of CEO-level corporate offsites focused on AI. Here's what I've learned corporate groups are looking for - first and

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