
100 posts



"Successful companies got rid of all the bull excrement" - Futurist Jim Carroll Let's be real about it. Successful companies have learned a lot about the future - and the fact that it isn't as complicated to get there as they once thought it



"The best way to find creative solutions to your real-world problems is to listen to the wisdom of those who have already found them!" - Futurist Jim Carroll You know you've been a real road-warrior speaker when you check into your Hilton hotel in San Jose

Deal with it.

Deal with it.

"You can create more opportunities or you can create more problems. Choose wisely." - Futurist Jim Carroll It's all about a series of choices. You can choose to be a barrier, or you can choose to be a gateway. Someone forging a path for going forward,

The Voyage

The Voyage

"To be a part of tomorrow, you need to be a part of the journey!" - Futurist Jim Carroll An organization will never successfully get to where it needs to go if it doesn't have the full support and understanding of its team - and in

Energy for Change

Energy for Change

"Never hesitate to take on the tough stuff!" - Futurist Jim Carroll In some situations, people are eager to take on the message of change; in other cases, not so much. That doesn't mean you should try to avoid the latter. There are a. number of

AI and Strategy

AI and Strategy

"It's the reality that matters (not the hype!)" - Futurist Jim Carroll I have a good friend from my ski club who has been reading my Daily Inspiration post (what you are reading right now) for many, many years. He told me a few months back

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