
50 posts



"Enthusiasm matters!" - Futurist Jim Carroll You've got to bring enthusiasm to your day! To every single moment, every single instance of time, every single interaction with others, and every single decision that you make through the day. Enthusiasm matters! That's a lesson that

Making Wrong Right.

Making Wrong Right.

"Prove them wrong!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Your life is often defined by a series of barriers established by someone other than yourself. The barriers are established by them to tell you that you can't accomplish something - prove them wrong! That you don't

Idea Farming

Idea Farming

"Any idea worth growing should always be planted!" - Futurist Jim Carroll From small ideas, big things can grow! That's what I was thinking about yesterday as I spent time with my long-time friend Marc Jeftovic. He's the CEO of easyDNS, a tech company

Doors and Windows.

Doors and Windows.

"Regret: It's that thing you'll live with if you never do the things you should have tried to do!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Life is a series of doors of opportunity all waiting to be opened! Are you keeping them shut? I was reminded

A Shut Case.

A Shut Case.

"While you might never open many closed minds, be careful to never close your own!" - Futurist  Jim Carroll A closed mind is a dangerous thing. There's a lot of them about. And the fact is, many innovation efforts fail because of all the closed minds

Something Great

Something Great

"Today is a great day to start doing your next great thing!" - Futurist Jim Carroll At the start of the week, it's a great time to chase a great idea. And so why not commit yourself to trying to do something great today? I'

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