
50 posts

Stepping Into the Unknown

Stepping Into the Unknown

"Confidence is the result of embracing the challenge of confronting the unknown!" - Futurist Jim Carroll In the last two weeks, two people who are close to me have launched into wonderful new career positions, and I've been watching with interest, and supporting them when I

The Stock Market.

The Stock Market.

"Markets are not trends!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Some wild headlines yesterday: In that context, I shared this image with one of my sons yesterday; he's an investment advisor and works in the wealth management industry. I imagine he will have a busy day with a



"Stop whining. Start doing." - Futurist Jim Carroll Herein ends my rant for the week. It all started when I heard the phrase, "not going back." For me, that encapsulated what I've witnessed with some of those in the audience with my keynotes over



"Offer ideas. Not threats." - Futurist Jim Carroll I guess I'm on a bit of a rant this week, but I'm running with it, and I'll offer up one more thought in this thread tomorrow, before getting back to my regular mix



"Build pathways. Not barriers." - Futurist Jim Carroll There should be a roadmap to the future - not obstructions in the path there. Your path to the future should not be so devoid of ideas that all you can think up are methods to block anyone from getting



"Sell hope. Not fear." - Futurist Jim Carroll It should be obvious, shouldn't it? Doesn't it make sense to give people a vision of tomorrow that provides a dream of hope rather than a nightmare of fear?  Isn't it a fact that

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