
55 posts

The Recession Addiction

The Recession Addiction

"The US consumer seems to have entered into a state of perpetual economic gloom. Jome companies seem all too eager to follow them into the abyss" - Futurist Jim Carroll Here we go again! I seem to spend a lot of time talking companies off the ledge, and



"Approach every day like it's a par 3 (full of opportunity but with a bit of risk along the way!)" - Futurist Jim Carroll Golf season is back. In that context, my ball mark is a happy face. That tells you everything you need to know

The Top.

The Top.

"It's when you are at the bottom that you have the greatest chance to get to the top." - Futurist Jim Carroll Rock bottom is real for many people and for many companies. A fortunate few can summon the courage and the strength to find their



"Criticism is just wisdom as yet unwrapped!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Criticism. When it's sincere, it can matter. Criticism is ... a gift.  It's a gift of knowledge that, used the right way, allows you to gain insight and perspective on how to improve.  Criticism

Something from Nothing.

Something from Nothing.

"Even when you think you have nothing, you’ll always have something!" - Futurist Jim Carroll That's because the possibilities are infinite when you start with nothing - there's nowhere to go but up! It's a simple fact that when you have

A Reminder.

A Reminder.

"You'll never find your opportunity in the depths of your despair!" - Futurist Jim Carroll I'm down in Silicon Valley in California today, where I've got a last-minute film project with Intel and HP on what else - artificial intelligence! More to

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