
75 posts

That Vision Thing

That Vision Thing

"Be the person that sees the opportunities that others cannot see!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Futurist...

Chasing Tomorrow

"Chasing success? Be fast, bold, disruptive, focused, certain, flexible, anticipatory, and young at ...

Tomorrow's Opportunities Today

Tomorrow's Opportunities Today

"If you aren't amazed by all the amazing trends that are unfolding around you, you're watching the w...

Timing Tomorrow

Timing Tomorrow

"Recognize that every major trend first involves huge short-term risk but is often eventually follow...



''Old ways of doing new things? Often it’s only the young who can shake it off" - Futurist Jim Carro...

Constructing Your Future

Constructing Your Future

"You should be building your tomorrow. Today." - Futurist Jim Carroll The future of construction se...

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