
75 posts

Jetsons and Flintstones.

Jetsons and Flintstones.

"The new art of foolproofing now involves proofing yourself against an increasing number of fools!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Gosh, it's just weird out there, isn't it? Remember this post a few months ago? "When the future becomes a culture war, watch the

The Stock Market.

The Stock Market.

"Markets are not trends!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Some wild headlines yesterday: In that context, I shared this image with one of my sons yesterday; he's an investment advisor and works in the wealth management industry. I imagine he will have a busy day with a

This Current Moment.

This Current Moment.

"Move forward. Not back." - Futurist Jim Carroll This particular moment in time in the news cycle - with a LOT of change occurring in the last two weeks - crystallizes much of what I have experienced from the stage in the last decade. With that being the

Mind The Gap

Mind The Gap

"Innovative organizations work to narrow the gap between opportunity and action!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Let's talk about gaps. Are you falling behind? Back in 2019, I began sharing on stage the idea of what I called the 'Acceleration Gap,' noting that the speed



"Get to your future faster!" - Futurist Jim Carroll If you are going to spend most of your future tomorrow, wouldn't it make sense to understand what it will look like when you get there? And wouldn't it make sense to take a few

The Key to Tomorrow

The Key to Tomorrow

"You'll never know how to unlock your true potential if you don't know how to unlock tomorrow!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Let me pause for a brief bit of promo material. It's a new keynote topic I rolled out for a client

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