"If you keep chasing the same old business model, you’ll never find the magic in the new one!" - Futurist Jim Carroll
I had a post the other day over on a LinkedIn group that has drawn quite a bit of interest; at the moment I write
"If you aren't thinking bold enough you'll never be ambitious enough!" - Futurist Jim Carroll
The world will not be transformed by people using chatbots and ChatGPT and drawing pictures with AI generators.
It will be fully disrupted by the other AI trends that
"Stop trying to be like everyone else. Just be yourself!" - Futurist Jim Carroll
Don't twist yourself into knots trying to conform! If you are unique, celebrate it and run with it - because that is often the key pathway to success.
Think about it -
"Is your future happening in a garage at this very moment? (And are you even aware what's happening?)" - Futurist Jim Carroll
We live in disruptive, transformative times, in which new companies are developing new products and services that might displace legacy organizations. Some of them
"Dazed and confused? There's still time to change the road you're on!" - Futurist Jim Carroll
I'm over in Dublin, Ireland, and spent the day yesterday visiting the town where the ancestors on my mom's side are from. The result
"Stop waiting for the right time - because you'll eventually run out of time!" - Futurist Jim Carroll
There's a cost to indecision.
There is a penalty for waiting.
There is no benefit from procrastination.
Setbacks come from postponing.
One of the most common
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