The Daily Inspiration

Thoughts, stories and ideas about tomorrow from Futurist Jim Carroll. Sent each workday since August 2016.

Being Different

"Your inner oddness is not a flaw. It’s a superpower!" - Futurist Jim Carroll With a little bit of downtime, I've been working in the home office on my next book. The title keeps flipping around: right now, I've settled on "Being

Being Different
743 posts

In With the New

In With the New

"Never trust anyone who tries to sell you an old idea!" - Futurist Jim Carroll The big problem with organizational memory is that often, there is too much of it. And yet, too many people rely on it to keep bringing up the same old ideas they always

Something Great

Something Great

"Today is a great day to start doing your next great thing!" - Futurist Jim Carroll At the start of the week, it's a great time to chase a great idea. And so why not commit yourself to trying to do something great today? I'

Shift Happens

Shift Happens

"Move from why it can't be done to why it should be done!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Shift happens.  Do you? Many organizations fail because they have failure engrained in their corporate culture! Do you? Thirty years of innovation insight tells me that it can be

Stepping Into the Unknown

Stepping Into the Unknown

"Confidence is the result of embracing the challenge of confronting the unknown!" - Futurist Jim Carroll In the last two weeks, two people who are close to me have launched into wonderful new career positions, and I've been watching with interest, and supporting them when I



"Have you ever noticed that those decisions you didn't make yesterday are coming back to haunt you today?" - Futurist Jim Carroll Life shouldn't be a series of missed opportunities but a history of achieved possibilities. The essence of disruptive thinking is developing the

The Change Imperative

The Change Imperative

"Your biggest opportunities will be defined by how well you deal with the challenge of change!" - Futurist Jim Carroll The photo used in today's quote comes from an event I did a few weeks ago in Charlotte, North Carolina, for the North American leadership meeting

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