The Daily Inspiration

Thoughts, stories and ideas about tomorrow from Futurist Jim Carroll. Sent each workday since August 2016.

Accelerating Knowlege

"If you aren’t relearning how to learn, you aren’t really learning!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Let's go back for a moment to item #3 on my list of '25 Strategies for 2025" - which was to be relentless in knowledge discovery. As

Accelerating Knowlege
775 posts



"Have you ever noticed that those decisions you didn't make yesterday are coming back to haunt you today?" - Futurist Jim Carroll Life shouldn't be a series of missed opportunities but a history of achieved possibilities. The essence of disruptive thinking is developing the

The Change Imperative

The Change Imperative

"Your biggest opportunities will be defined by how well you deal with the challenge of change!" - Futurist Jim Carroll The photo used in today's quote comes from an event I did a few weeks ago in Charlotte, North Carolina, for the North American leadership meeting

Timing Tomorrow

Timing Tomorrow

"Recognize that every major trend first involves huge short-term risk but is often eventually followed by a massive upside!" - Futurist Jim Carroll One of the most important things to realize about any future trend is that it can be pretty difficult to achieve any opportunity from it

Leading Tomorrow

Leading Tomorrow

"Be the spark that ignites the flame of change!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Most people have a problem. In fact, most people know that they aren't quite ready for all the change that they are faced with in their future, yet know that everything they are



''Old ways of doing new things? Often it’s only the young who can shake it off" - Futurist Jim Carroll (I saw what you did, said Swifties!) Everyone hated Zoom - until they didn't anymore. We spent so much time in Zoom rooms during

Constructing Your Future

Constructing Your Future

"You should be building your tomorrow. Today." - Futurist Jim Carroll The future of construction seems to be a bit of a theme this fall. One of the events I've got coming up is a talk in Arizona for an event put on by Chain Store

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