The Daily Inspiration

Thoughts, stories and ideas about tomorrow from Futurist Jim Carroll. Sent each workday since August 2016.

Being Different

"Your inner oddness is not a flaw. It’s a superpower!" - Futurist Jim Carroll With a little bit of downtime, I've been working in the home office on my next book. The title keeps flipping around: right now, I've settled on "Being

Being Different
743 posts

Watching What Matters

Watching What Matters

"It's not the hot trends that matter, it's the transformative ones!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Have you ever come to realize that it's usually while you are watching the really hot trend, the really important trend you aren't watching is



"Have you ever noticed that you are surrounded by more ultracrepidarians than ever before?" - Futurist Jim Carroll One of the biggest problems with the information age is that there is too much information. Some of it is valid and correct, and much of it is not. And



"Every challenge is an opportunity wrapped in the cloak of intimidation!" - Futurist Jim Carroll I'm going in. I might come to regret the decision, but I'm going in. The Seniors Club Championships, that is. Since it's summertime and I've

The Upgrade

The Upgrade

"Reboot your creativity. Refresh your imagination. Restart your ideas. Redo your future" - Futurist Jim Carroll It takes a lot to survive and thrive in today's fast-moving world. That's why you need a creativity upgrade, an imagination enhancement, a mindset refurbishment, and an initiative

On Initiative

On Initiative

"Never become comfortable in your complacency" - Futurist Jim Carroll Is your day full of excuses? That you don't need to do it right now? That there is no rush? Do you feel no sense of urgency? And do you believe that maybe, just maybe, if



"You’ll never get to your future if you keep trying to get back to your past!" - Futurist Jim Carroll I've had a vague sense of unease for a time that too many industries and the leaders of companies within them are all too eager

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