The Daily Inspiration

Thoughts, stories and ideas about tomorrow from Futurist Jim Carroll. Sent each workday since August 2016.

Being Different

"Your inner oddness is not a flaw. It’s a superpower!" - Futurist Jim Carroll With a little bit of downtime, I've been working in the home office on my next book. The title keeps flipping around: right now, I've settled on "Being

Being Different
743 posts



"Own your tomorrow" - Futurist Jim Carroll Today's photo is from my keynote yesterday in Dublin for KPMG - what a wonderful stage! I spent a bit of time speaking to the audience that it was up to them to master the skill of just-in-time knowledge

AI & Strategy

AI & Strategy

"To make tomorrow real, you need to be real about tomorrow!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Over the last two years, I've done dozens of CEO-level corporate offsites focused on AI. Here's what I've learned corporate groups are looking for - first and

The Key to Tomorrow

The Key to Tomorrow

"You'll never know how to unlock your true potential if you don't know how to unlock tomorrow!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Let me pause for a brief bit of promo material. It's a new keynote topic I rolled out for a client



"An epic commitment to quality will always achieve epic results!" - Futurist Jim Carroll I'm in Dublin again! I've probably flown over Ireland at least 100 times to and from keynotes and family trips to Europe and the Middle East, and yet, until this



"Never give up on a great idea!" - Futurist Jim Carroll There's power in persistence! With that in mind, don't let others shut down the great ideas that you might chase! Fight the obstacles that might get in the way and stay focused on

Modern Teambuilding

Modern Teambuilding

"Make your team work!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Much of my work around trends and tomorrow involves the skills of the team that will help take you there. Many organizations have a big problem in this context. They don't have the right type of people who

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