The Daily Inspiration

Thoughts, stories and ideas about tomorrow from Futurist Jim Carroll. Sent each workday since August 2016.

Accelerating Knowlege

"If you aren’t relearning how to learn, you aren’t really learning!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Let's go back for a moment to item #3 on my list of '25 Strategies for 2025" - which was to be relentless in knowledge discovery. As

Accelerating Knowlege
775 posts



"If you aren't prepared for acceleration you aren't prepared for your future!" - Futurist Jim Carroll On March 19, 2012, Amazon acquired the robotics maker Kiva. It had 1,000 robots. Today, it has more than 750,000 in use, with plans for many,

The Glass is Full

The Glass is Full

"Construct your opportunities by demolishing your fears!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Here's a fun one I've got coming up in October! Five Chicago area construction associations representing unionized workers are bringing me in for a talk on the impact of AI in construction. I&



"Don't be yesterday's vibe" - Futurist Jim Carroll Today's post is short and to the point, because I've got a 6 AM call with KPMG Dublin to talk about the keynote I'll do for them in just over

Like the Sign Says.

Like the Sign Says.

"Bring on tomorrow!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Like the sign says. Bring on tomorrow - because if you don't, your tomorrow might not work out so well! The photo is from my stage setup yesterday - an exhilarating day in Fort Worth with a keynote for

AI & Leadership

AI & Leadership

"You don't need to know how AI works. You need to know about its impact and opportunities!" - Futurist Jim Carroll I'm down in Fort Worth, Texas this morning; after lunch, I'll speak to several hundred retail and supply chain executives about

Stop Whining

Stop Whining

"No one cares about your complaints. They only care about your ideas" - Futurist Jim Carroll No one likes the whiner, the chronic complainer, the person who just drones on with how unhappy they are. It's tiresome, annoying, and downright disturbing. That should be pretty obvious,

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