The Daily Inspiration

Thoughts, stories and ideas about tomorrow from Futurist Jim Carroll. Sent each workday since August 2016.

Make More Moments That Matter

"Intentional kindness: humanity's superpower" - Futurist Jim Carroll, with a shoutout to Drew Sullivan, APB Speakers The image in today's Inspiration features my good friend Michael Simon; the phrase, "intentional kindness," comes from one of my speaker bureau agents, Drew Sullivan. One

Make More Moments That Matter
814 posts

Uniqueness Inventory

Uniqueness Inventory

"Find out what makes you different. Do more of it!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Today's Inspiration is directly from the very opening moment of the book I've been trying to write. I'll be getting more into those issues from the opening and

Oddballs, Rebels, Freaks

Oddballs, Rebels, Freaks

"Being unique will get you to your future faster!" - Futurist Jim Carroll I'm starting a new series with this post. I don't know exactly how it will unfold, what course it will follow, or when it will come to an end, and certainly

Successful Failure

Successful Failure

"Don't let the bad moments define your good ones!" - Futurist Jim Carroll It was a wildly successful failure! Sure, I'm probably dead last in the Seniors Golf Tournament in which I participated this weekend, but I bear no shame. And, because I was

The Moment In Time.

The Moment In Time.

"Ego is the destroyer of worlds" - Futurist Jim Carroll Upon seeing the atomic bomb explode, Robert Oppenheimer is reported to have quoted from the Hindu sacred text the Bhagavad Gita - ‘Now I Am Become Death, the Destroyer of Worlds.’   The line has become synonymous with one

Mind The Gap

Mind The Gap

"Innovative organizations work to narrow the gap between opportunity and action!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Let's talk about gaps. Are you falling behind? Back in 2019, I began sharing on stage the idea of what I called the 'Acceleration Gap,' noting that the speed

Watching What Matters

Watching What Matters

"It's not the hot trends that matter, it's the transformative ones!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Have you ever come to realize that it's usually while you are watching the really hot trend, the really important trend you aren't watching is

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