The Daily Inspiration

Thoughts, stories and ideas about tomorrow from Futurist Jim Carroll. Sent each workday since August 2016.

Accelerating Knowlege

"If you aren’t relearning how to learn, you aren’t really learning!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Let's go back for a moment to item #3 on my list of '25 Strategies for 2025" - which was to be relentless in knowledge discovery. As

Accelerating Knowlege
775 posts

The Anti-Future Future

The Anti-Future Future

"When the future becomes a culture war, watch the trends. Not the noise" - Futurist Jim Carroll It's a weird time to be a futurist - have you noticed that the future has become a culture war? While you deal with the realities of science, technologies,

The Rebels

The Rebels

"Disruptors value defiance over blind obedience!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Be like Chuck House. In a world in which you are surrounded by yes-men, be the person who is willing to say no since sometimes following the lead is exactly the wrong thing to do. Years ago, the



"Approach every day like it's a par 3 (full of opportunity but with a bit of risk along the way!)" - Futurist Jim Carroll Golf season is back. In that context, my ball mark is a happy face. That tells you everything you need to know



"Successful companies got rid of all the bull excrement" - Futurist Jim Carroll Let's be real about it. Successful companies have learned a lot about the future - and the fact that it isn't as complicated to get there as they once thought it

Act Two.

Act Two.

"Don't judge your success by what you did before. Judge it by what you will do next!" - Futurist Jim Carroll If your life is to be a play, always be prepared for a second act! Or perhaps, get into a mindset where you will always

The Top.

The Top.

"It's when you are at the bottom that you have the greatest chance to get to the top." - Futurist Jim Carroll Rock bottom is real for many people and for many companies. A fortunate few can summon the courage and the strength to find their

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