The Daily Inspiration

Thoughts, stories and ideas about tomorrow from Futurist Jim Carroll. Sent each workday since August 2016.


"Find your 11. Go further, always!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Spinal Tap knew how to do things right! They went to 11! So should you! It was one of the most interesting moments in movie history - they had an amp with volume control that went to 10,

741 posts

Forward, Not Back.

Forward, Not Back.

"Somehow, one way or the other, you will need to be ready to move on from this day!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Hey, is there anything going on anywhere today? Obsessed with the news? Hitting the refresh button? Reading polls? Remember how I said that uncertainty and volatility

The Acceleration Mismatch.

The Acceleration Mismatch.

"The speed of your decision making should match the pace of the trends" - Futurist Jim Carroll People and organizations are far too slow. They defer decisions until it's too late.  Is that you? For a long time, I've seen too many clients and

34 Years of Working at Home!

34 Years of Working at Home!

"The best decisions you will ever make are the ones that give you some of the best moments of your life!" - Futurist Jim Carroll 34 years ago today, I began a new career, working at home, leaving the corporate world to pursue my passions and interests! I&

On Staying Positive

On Staying Positive

"Disappointment is a necessary exercise designed to strengthen your resilience" - Futurist Jim Carroll There is never any progress without disappointment along the way! You'll never achieve anything if you never encounter a few hurdles in your path. As soon as you get your hopes up,

Do it.

Do it.

"Believe that you can so that you know you will do!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Nothing great has ever been achieved through inaction! That's the thought that came to my mind while out for my afternoon walk yesterday, and spotted someone wearing this shirt. "She

Catalyzing Hyper-Responsive Strategic Convergence for Next-Gen Ecosystemic Optimization

Catalyzing Hyper-Responsive Strategic Convergence for Next-Gen Ecosystemic Optimization

"Are you big on buzzwords and short on substance?" - Futurist Jim Carroll I'm preparing for an upcoming keynote later in November for an organization that just booked me, and asked them to share a bit of insight with me as to their current strategies, structure

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