The Daily Inspiration

Thoughts, stories and ideas about tomorrow from Futurist Jim Carroll. Sent each workday since August 2016.

Chasing Big Ideas

"Too many people focus on 'what is' rather than 'what could be'" - Futurist Jim Carroll I'm in Georgia, where later today, I'll speak on behalf of a corporate group on the topic of the future of healthcare. (Before that,

Chasing Big Ideas
818 posts

Impossible Possibilities

Impossible Possibilities

"There's nothing worse than not trying!" - Futurist Jim Carroll My wife and I have recently been watching the show "Anything is Possible" over on the Disney Channel - it's a 6-part series about the special effects company Industrial Light and Magic.



(Note to Ghost recipients. I moved to a new Ubuntu server yesterday, and there are some teething problems. There is a chance you might receive this message twice. For that, I apologize! Please let me know if you see anything weird. I still have not resolved the issue of new



"REAL confidence is having confidence in your confidence!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Ok, I'll close out the week with a golf story. Why not - it's been a bit of a working holiday as I head off to my keynote later this morning after

Vanilla Beans.

Vanilla Beans.

"Believe that you can do something noble" - Zachary Taffany Meet Zachary Taffany. He calls himself "The Vanilla Evangelist." My wife and I just met him - and listened to a pretty fascinating presentation - at the only vanilla bean farm in the USA - The



"Be the cheetah, not the turtle" - Futurist Jim Carroll  In Hawaii, you can swim with turtles. At the resort where I'm staying, all you need to do is put on a snorkel and a mask, and head out into the shallows, and you'll



"It's not just the trends that matter. It's how you view them that counts!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Note: Posting will be slow this week, as I’m in Hawaii for an event this Friday. The 5-hour time change makes a difference! The photo

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