The Daily Inspiration

Thoughts, stories and ideas about tomorrow from Futurist Jim Carroll. Sent each workday since August 2016.

Into 2025 - #3

"Be relentless on knowledge discovery" - Futurist Jim Carroll Futurist Jim Carroll is writing a series, "25 Things I've Learned That Will Carry Me Into 2025." He is putting this together based on his 30-year career as a futurist, trends, and innovation expert, advising

Into 2025 - #3
746 posts

A Life Well Lived.

A Life Well Lived.

"Give yourself permission to try new things!"

The Folly of Penny Pinching

The Folly of Penny Pinching

"At what point will you realize your budget and your expectations are greatly misaligned?"

The AI Knowledge Butler

The AI Knowledge Butler

"In just a few short years, you'll wonder how you ever survived without your personal knowledge butler by your side!"

Think Different.

Think Different.

"Beyond every problem is an idea that fixes it."

Self Diminishment

Self Diminishment

"Never use the word 'just. It diminishes who you really are!"

Accelerating Creativity

Accelerating Creativity

"Why not try to answer a few questions you've never asked before?"

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