The Daily Inspiration

Thoughts, stories and ideas about tomorrow from Futurist Jim Carroll. Sent each workday since August 2016.

Into 2025 - #3

"Be relentless on knowledge discovery" - Futurist Jim Carroll Futurist Jim Carroll is writing a series, "25 Things I've Learned That Will Carry Me Into 2025." He is putting this together based on his 30-year career as a futurist, trends, and innovation expert, advising

Into 2025 - #3
746 posts

Leadership Complacency

Leadership Complacency

"The same old excuse will always get you the same old result."

Being Your Own Futurist

Being Your Own Futurist

"Your ability to see tomorrow will define the success you will have when you get there!"

A Reminder

A Reminder

"The most powerful lesson you can learn right now is that social media is not a really great place to have an argument."

Upside Down Innovation

Upside Down Innovation

"Rather than trying to find a solution to the same old problem, invent a problem that has an easier solution!"

A Weekend Wedding!

A Weekend Wedding!

"Joy is love. Love is family!"



"Problems can't be solved if nobody has discovered that they exist!"

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