The Daily Inspiration

Thoughts, stories and ideas about tomorrow from Futurist Jim Carroll. Sent each workday since August 2016.

Doing a Redo!

"There's always time to redefine your success from what you have done to what you plan to do!" - Futurist Jim Carroll I've always believed that true success isn't about what you've done – it's about what you plan

Doing a Redo!
819 posts

Seeing Tomorrow

Seeing Tomorrow

“An imagination is a machine that can see tomorrow!”

Growing Optimism

Growing Optimism

"If you keep planning for the worst, you'll never get the best!" - Futurist Jim Carroll I like optimists. That means I like farmers - because farmers are the ultimate optimists! With that in mind, I will be speaking later today in Brandon, Manitoba, at the

Get it Done.

Get it Done.

"Move fast and make things!" - Futurist Jim Carroll It's long been the key phrase of Silicon Valley - 'move fast and break things' - the entire thinking being that in the race to build a new market and dominate within it, speed is

Back in Time as a Strategy

Back in Time as a Strategy

"You can always look forward by looking back!"

Caught in a Trap (They Can't Get Out?)

Caught in a Trap (They Can't Get Out?)

"Real leaders don't try to cost cut their way into the future! (They reinvent!)"

Be Unique.

Be Unique.

"In a world of lemmings, be the unicorn!"

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