The Daily Inspiration

Thoughts, stories and ideas about tomorrow from Futurist Jim Carroll. Sent each workday since August 2016.


"Presume, in the absence of constant action, your obsolescence"  - Futurist Jim Carroll Futurist Jim Carroll is writing a series, "25 Things I've Learned That Will Carry Me Into 2025." He is putting this together based on his 30-year career as a futurist, trends,

747 posts

Motivational Monday

Motivational Monday

"Always put a little bit of ! into your day!"



"A bold future abhors a timid mind!"

Wasted Time.

Wasted Time.

"At what point will you realize you've wasted time preparing for an economic downturn that never happened?" -

One Day.

One Day.

"Be a hero. Just for one day!"

Business Transformation

Business Transformation

"At some moment in time, you will come to realize that the future you thought had no longer exists!"



"It's a better idea to create the future than to just show up for it."

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