The Daily Inspiration

Thoughts, stories and ideas about tomorrow from Futurist Jim Carroll. Sent each workday since August 2016.

Being Different

"Your inner oddness is not a flaw. It’s a superpower!" - Futurist Jim Carroll With a little bit of downtime, I've been working in the home office on my next book. The title keeps flipping around: right now, I've settled on "Being

Being Different
743 posts

Committees are Death.

Committees are Death.

"Committees are an infrastructure designed to race you to the bottom of opportunity!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Committees kill ideas. Committees kill all initiative. Committees kill the idea of innovation. Committees are the destroyer of all things. Did I mention I think committees are a bad idea? "

Failing, to Succeed.

Failing, to Succeed.

"Take pride in your losses because they teach you about your wins!" - Futurist Jim Carroll People hide from their failure. They shouldn't. Because often, it's the only way to get to success. Your wins are informed by your losses. Your success is defined

About Those AI-Generated Podcasts

About Those AI-Generated Podcasts

"The soul of this new machine is moving faster than your imagination!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Back when I began my computer voyage, I read the book "Soul of a New Machine," described by ChatGPT this way: Soul of a New Machine by Tracy Kidder, published



"‘Your time is gonna’ come’ need not be your epitaph!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Innovate or die. It's that simple. Here's a simple list of companies that were once great successes. Then they weren't: Blockbuster. Borders. Lehman Bros. Kodak. Circuit City. RadioShack.

The Reality Gap

The Reality Gap

"Reality always trumps wishful thinking!" - Futurist Jim Carroll There's a reality gap. A gap between an understanding of how industries are changing, and how people hope it will change. A gap between what it takes to solve deep, complex issues, and how people think they

Put In the Work!

Put In the Work!

"Do the hard things" - Futurist Jim Carroll How many times do you say to yourself, "I'll do the easy things first!" And then you just keep doing the easy things over and over again, always avoiding the hard stuff. And you never make

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