The Daily Inspiration

Thoughts, stories and ideas about tomorrow from Futurist Jim Carroll. Sent each workday since August 2016.

Accelerating Knowlege

"If you aren’t relearning how to learn, you aren’t really learning!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Let's go back for a moment to item #3 on my list of '25 Strategies for 2025" - which was to be relentless in knowledge discovery. As

Accelerating Knowlege
775 posts

34 Years of Working at Home!

34 Years of Working at Home!

"The best decisions you will ever make are the ones that give you some of the best moments of your life!" - Futurist Jim Carroll 34 years ago today, I began a new career, working at home, leaving the corporate world to pursue my passions and interests! I&

On Staying Positive

On Staying Positive

"Disappointment is a necessary exercise designed to strengthen your resilience" - Futurist Jim Carroll There is never any progress without disappointment along the way! You'll never achieve anything if you never encounter a few hurdles in your path. As soon as you get your hopes up,

Do it.

Do it.

"Believe that you can so that you know you will do!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Nothing great has ever been achieved through inaction! That's the thought that came to my mind while out for my afternoon walk yesterday, and spotted someone wearing this shirt. "She

Catalyzing Hyper-Responsive Strategic Convergence for Next-Gen Ecosystemic Optimization

Catalyzing Hyper-Responsive Strategic Convergence for Next-Gen Ecosystemic Optimization

"Are you big on buzzwords and short on substance?" - Futurist Jim Carroll I'm preparing for an upcoming keynote later in November for an organization that just booked me, and asked them to share a bit of insight with me as to their current strategies, structure

Optimism and Education

Optimism and Education

"Optimistic societies are stable societies" - Futurist Jim Carroll A lot is going on. Next week is a pivotal week as the US chooses if it wants to go forward or back. On the day of the election, I'll be speaking to an audience of senior

Limitless Thinking

Limitless Thinking

"Your future should always begin with your wildest imagination!" - Futurist Jim Carroll People always tend to say, "Never in my wildest imagination!" And then that thing happens, and they are shocked by what they see. But our idea of tomorrow should always consist of our

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